Operating System - (3140702)
Solved Question Papers:
Important Topics:
1. What is a system call? Explain steps for system call execution.
2. Give the Difference between Thread and Process.
3. Explain different states of a process with a suitable diagram.
4. What do you mean by mutual exclusion? Explain Peterson’s solution for the mutual exclusion problem.
5. What is Semaphore? Give the implementation of Readers-Writers Problem using Semaphore.
6. What are the necessary conditions for Deadlock to occur? [OR] Which are the necessary conditions for Deadlock? Explain Deadlock recovery in brief
7. Explain various types of file allocation methods. [OR] Differentiate contiguous and linked file allocation methods.
8. What is Paging? Explain the paging mechanism in MMU with an example.
9. Explain the domain protection mechanism in brief.
10. Write a Shell Script to find the largest among the 3 given numbers.
11. What is Monitor? Write Solution to Dining-Philosopher problems using a monitor.
NOTE: These are just 11 Questions Referenced, Please Study more Materials📑
Object Oriented Programming (3140705):
Questions Banks:
Solved Question Papers:
Important Topics:
1. Discuss exceptions and errors.
2. Differentiate Between: 1) While, do-while and for loop, 2) if statements and switch statements. 3. What do you mean by Overloading? Explain constructor overloading with a suitable example.
4. Differentiate between constructor and method of a class.
5. Describe dynamic method dispatch with an example. 6. Differentiate between Interface and abstract class. When Interface is preferred over abstract class.
7. What do you understand about inner class?
8. Differentiate the followings: (1) Checked and Unchecked Exceptions (2) Socket and ServerSocket(3) Text I/O and Binary 1/0 (4) String and StringBuffer.
9. When will you declare a method as static? Explain the static method with a suitable example.
10. Discuss the role of thread synchronization in inter-thread communication? Explain with example
NOTE: These are just 11 Questions Referenced, Please Study more Materials📑
Questions Banks:
Important Topics:
1. Write a truth table of three-state buffers and explain the high impedance state in it with a logic symbol diagram.
2. Draw a flowchart for the instruction cycle and explain it.
3. Write an assembly language program to multiply two positive numbers.
4. Explain the Design of the Control Unit with a block diagram.
5. What is a register stack? Explain Push operation. OR What is the register stack? Explain push and pop micro-operations.
6. Explain Booth’s algorithm with a flowchart.
7. Briefly explain any four characteristics of RISC OR Write a short note on RISC
8. Write a short note on DMA
9. How is main memory useful in computer systems? Explain the memory address map of RAM and ROM.
10. What is cache coherence? Explain in brief
NOTE: These are just 10 Questions Referenced, Please Study more Materials📑
Questions Banks:
Important Topics:
1. Explain Properties of Composition of functions.
2. Discuss The Pigeonhole Principle
3. Discuss Well-formed Formulas
4. Short note on Tautological Implications
5. Solve the Problem based on Hesse Diagrams.
6. Solve the Problem on Well-ordered Partially Ordered Sets (Posets) OR Lattice as Posets.
7. Solve the Problem of Homomorphic subgroups.
8. Solve the Problem of Lagrange's theorem.
9. Difference between Directed and undirected edge OR
Directed graph, undirected graph
10. Difference between Weakly connected, strongly connected and unilaterally connected.
NOTE: These are just 10 Questions Referenced, Please Study more Materials📑